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Fall 2010 Education Event

“Architecture as Art:  Sacred Spaces in the Heart of Erie

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2:00 to 5:00 pm

Guest Speaker:  Dr. Michael DeSanctis, Ph.D.,

Professor of Fine Arts at Gannon Univ.

Come and spend a delightful afternoon with Dr. Michael DeSanctis as he takes us on a walking tour of some of Erie ’s most magnificent architectural treasures – its downtown churches.  Dr. DeSanctis will illuminate Erie ’s architectural masterpieces through the lens of faith, culture and local history.

Tour Begins at St. Peter Cathedral – at the corner of W. 10th & Sassafras

Cost of ticket: $10 per person

Information and reservations:  Call ICM at 814.454.2411

2010 Tour of Sacred Spaces includes:

St. Peter Cathedral * Luther Memorial * First United Methodist Church - Erie

Copyright 2006 Inter-Church Ministries of Erie County, 250 West 7th Street, Erie, PA 16501

Office: 814-454-2411 FAX: 814-454-2412